Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)

Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)

A Brachioplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the arms

The skin on your arms becomes very lax and starts to sag as the aging process sets in or after major weight loss.

If you want to regain the youthful contours for a shapelier arm, then an arm lift surgery can get rid of the lax skin. An arm lift can address this and reshape your arm  restoring youthful profiles for a contoured look.

Am I a Good Candidate
for Arm lift Surgery?

An arm lift is an excellent solution to remove address skin laxity in the upper arms or excess upper arm fat (bat wing arms). A well-qualified patient for Brachioplasty surgery should be complete with their weight loss journey and have skin sagging or excess fat in the upper arms..

A good candidate for this procedure is also able to withstand general anesthesia used during surgery, be a non-smoker, and have realistic expectations about what a facelift procedure can accomplish.

Benefits of a Brachioplasty

The arm lift operation can improve the appearance of the arms by restoring youthful profiles for a contoured look. The many benefits of arm lift surgery include reducing excess sagging skin, tightening supportive tissue,  Excess Sagging Skin, defining the arm shape, and reducing localized pickets of fat in the upper arm. 

Body Contouring Experts

Both Dr. Gawley and Dr. Geoghegan are cosmetic and reconstructive experts when it comes to body contouring. They are passionate about helping patients achieve both the look they desire and long-lasting, natural results. During your consultation, your surgeon will take a unique approach and work with you to select the right combination of procedures for your body and desired outcome.

Types of Brachioplasty


This type of Brachioplasty is used for people who have a lot of excess skin close to the armpit. The surgeon may be able to tuck this excess skin into the armpit to create the youthful contours that are desired. This works best if you do not have too much excess fatty tissue, but rather just loose skin. The incisions for this are limited to the underarm areas.


If the concern is that there is excess skin that extends from the armpit to the elbow, resembling a batwing, then the best option for this is the standard Brachioplasty. The incisions for this procedure are generally placed on the inside of the arm.


This procedure is similar to the standard Brachioplasty treatment. The extended procedure includes removing loose skin and fatty tissue along the side of the chest wall. The incision for this is extended along the arm to the body. This is beneficial for a lot of patients who have undergone massive weight loss.

Choosing Your Procedure

During your initial consultation, one of our surgeons will evaluate the quality of your skin and the extent of excess fat and skin on the arm. After listening to your goals and concerns, they will recommend the Brachioplasty options that will best achieve the results you desire.

Liposuction can be added to an arm lift for more contouring. The liposuction removes fat through a small incision. The cannula tool will be inserted through these small incisions to loosen up the fatty tissue and suction it out.

Our surgeons believe it’s important for patients to be well-educated about the risks associated with any cosmetic surgery, including brachioplasty.

Recovery & Results
From an Arm lift

After your Brachioplasty procedure, you will be sent home with bandages around your incision sites to help reduce swelling and minimize bleeding. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions for what you can and cannot do immediately after surgery and in the weeks to come.

The recovery process varies from patient to patient based on the extent of the procedure and your ability to heal. In general, you will need to avoid strenuous activity for about four weeks, although many patients begin to feel like themselves a few days after their procedure.

At the end of the day, the natural results of a brachioplasty speak for themselves. You can see what our surgeons have achieved for other arm lift patients by browsing our before-and-after photos to get an idea of what this procedure could mean for you.

Recovery & Results
From an Arm lift

After your Brachioplasty procedure, you will be sent home with bandages around your incision sites to help reduce swelling and minimize bleeding. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions for what you can and cannot do immediately after surgery and in the weeks to come.

The recovery process varies from patient to patient based on the extent of the procedure and your ability to heal. In general, you will need to avoid strenuous activity for about four weeks, although many patients begin to feel like themselves a few days after their procedure.

At the end of the day, the natural results of a brachioplasty speak for themselves. You can see what our surgeons have achieved for other arm lift patients by browsing our before-and-after photos to get an idea of what this procedure could mean for you.

Envision Your
Natural Results

Brachioplasty FAQs

Our surgeons place the incisions in a place where they hide nicely. We also start our patients on scar therapy at two weeks post-op which helps the incision fade into an almost invisible line by 6 months.

Liposuction can be done alongside a Brachioplasty if needed, but a standard Brachioplasty should remove both excess skin and stubborn fat if needed.