What You Should Know About Facial Fat Grafting

What You Should Know About Facial Fat Grafting

As we age, creases, crow’s feet and smile lines can appear on our faces. For patients who wish to correct these issues, facial fat grafting is a great option. However, patients would often like to know, what facial fat grafting is and when is it necessary to use it. Read on to learn more about this treatment option.

When to Receive Fat Grafting

When it comes to the decision of when to undergo facial fat grafting, it ultimately depends on the individual patient, and how severe their facial aging is. Those who are healthy, but unhappy with their facial wrinkles are usually good candidates.

“The process of facial aging leads not only to loose, sagging skin and wrinkles, but also to a loss of facial volume and contour,” explained Dr. Gawley. “The use of facial fat grafting is a way to restore a youthful facial shape and contour by using a patient’s own fat as a graft or filler.”

The Procedure

Our goal with facial rejuvenation is to produce harmonious, natural results. Restoring facial volume and shape with fat grafting in conjunction with face-lifting surgery and skin care make this possible.

“I use facial fat grafting with almost every facial rejuvenation procedure that I perform,” Dr. Gawley said. Fat is harvested from the abdomen or inner thighs in the same manner as in liposuction. The fat is then centrifuged to concentrate the fat for injection in appropriate locations. The most common locations for fat grafting are in the midface/cheek area, temples, nasolabial folds, lips, and along the jawline.

As with any facial rejuvenation procedure, there may be some swelling and bruising for a week or so, and the tummy area may feel a bit sore as well. At Gawley Plastic Surgery, we use arnica and other herbal remedies to minimize bruising and speed up recovery.

If you are interested in discussing your facial rejuvenation needs during a personal consultation in Scottsdale, call 480-860-2173 to schedule today!