Patient #95146

Breast Procedures

Breast Lift 2700

This 38 year-old mother from Scottsdale wanted a breast lift. She came to my North Scottsdale Plastic surgery practice specifically wanting her breasts to be less droopy and have more fullness on the upper pole. She was not interested in having a breast augmentation, but wanted to maintain her breast volume. I recommended a standard […]

Breast Reduction 2690

Breast reduction (1 month post-op) Implants: NONE This 35 year old patient was unhappy with the size of her breast, due to the size of her breast she complained of shoulder pain, back pain and bra strap grooving.

Patient #34654

Given the loss of volume in her breasts, she consulted to discuss surgical options to give her breasts a lifted appearance. Allergan smooth round cohesive moderate profile silicone implants were used. The left implant is 360cc and the right is 345cc.