What Procedures are Involved in a Mommy Makeover

What Procedures are Involved in a Mommy Makeover

Motherhood is a beautiful thing but comes with its highs and lows. New mothers experience the joy of bringing new life into the world, but also experience the frustrations that come with being a parent. Another set of challenges women face are the physical toll that pregnancy takes on the body. With each pregnancy, a […]

How Long Can Breast Implants Last?

Breast augmentation is currently the most popular cosmetic procedure in the U.S. to date, and demand doesn’t show signs of slowing down anytime soon. With a growing interest in a procedure often comes more questions. One of the most commonly asked questions is “how long will my breast implants last?” Read on for the answer, […]

Breastfeeding with Implants: The Answers to Your Questions

Breastfeeding for the first time can come with many unknowns, and many mothers have a plethora of questions about the process. We have compiled and answered a list of the most popular questions about breastfeeding with implants so you can feel confident in your role as a mother. Breastfeeding with Implants- Is It Possible? Women […]

Can You Breastfeed After Breast Surgery?

While pregnancy is an exciting and joyful time in a woman’s life, it is also an important time to make decisions that will impact both your life and your baby’s life. Expecting mothers have many decisions to make, including whether or not they wish to breastfeed. Those who do wish to breastfeed must consider whether […]

Why Cup Sizes May Be Less Accurate Than You Think

When looking into getting some sort of breast augmentation, most women often think in terms of cup sizes. In the world of lingerie, sizing varies between brands and manufacturers and sizing is anything but standardized. When patients come in for consultations, cup sizes are typically used as a relative measure for the patient’s expectations. Keep […]

Breast Augmentation in 2017

Women’s bodies go through so many changes throughout a lifetime and some of the biggest changes you experience can be with your breasts. When you are young, they will start off small and perky. In some cases, they grow during puberty and in others, they stay smaller. It is even common to have one larger […]

Is a Mommy Makeover Right for You?

Becoming a mother is one of the most rewarding experiences a female can have. While the experience is definitely life-changing, it can also cause changes to occur in the body. Weight gain and abdominal stretching are extremely common during pregnancy, and breastfeeding can cause the breasts to lose volume and sag. If you are ecstatic […]

The Benefits of Combining a Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift Surgery

What is a Breast Augmentation? Breast enhancement procedures are some of the most popular types of cosmetics surgeries and make up a significant portion of the procedures performed at Gawley Plastic Surgery practice. Breast augmentation can be done to give you the breasts you’ve always wanted or help return your breasts to their former shape after […]

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

In Scottsdale, Arizona, plastic surgeons use silicone or saline implants for breast augmentations. A question many patients may ask is, “How long will my implants last?” Although implant duration depends on each individual, patients may experience the following: Duration of 11-15 Years While some women have their implants replaced after eleven years, some implants can […]

Fixing a Wide “Cleavage Gap”

Breast augmentation surgery is not always a matter of size. Many people who come to our Scottsdale office to get a breast augmentation are trying to change something about the appearance of their breasts that have bothered them for some time. One of the more frequent problems we encounter is the “cleavage gap”- a wide, […]