A facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, is an effective method to treating age-induced skin sagging or wrinkles. A facelift surgery can range from minimally invasive to more in dramatic alterations. During a facelift procedure, excess skin is removed, muscles are tightened, and skin is smoothly draped on the neck and face.
Benefits of a Facelift
If you are feeling as if your face is not representing your energy, or that your excess or sagging skin is turning into a social or career hindrance, you may want to consider getting a facelift. There are many benefits to getting a facelift procedure. Some of them are:
- A facelift procedure can last ten years or longer.
- A facelift can help with your self-esteem and self-image.
- In just one surgery, many areas of the face can be enhanced.
- A facelift is a reliable technique to re-contouring the neck and jawline.
- Facelift scars are unnoticeable.
There are three common types of this procedure: traditional facelift, limited-incision facelift, and a neck lift.
Traditional Facelift
During this type of facelift, incisions will begin at the temples and will continue down and around the front of the ears and then back into the nape of the neck.
Limited-incision Facelift
Tiny incisions are created in the hairline, beginning at the temples and persisting down and around the front of your ears. There may be incisions made in the lower eyelids, temporal area, or underneath the upper lip.
Neck Lift
Incisions will be made starting in front of the earlobes and continuing around behind the ears, continuing into the lower scalp. There will also be a small incision underneath the chin.
If you are unhappy with excess or sagging skin, a facelift could be the answer to your problems. Gawley Plastic Surgery surgeons offer many facial surgery procedures, all designed to restore a youthful appearance.