How Do You Determine What Size Breast Implants Should Be?

How Do You Determine What Size Breast Implants Should Be?

Before undergoing a breast augmentation there are a number of different decisions you’ll need to make. Our surgeons at Gawley Plastic Surgery will use their years of experience as an acclaimed plastic surgeon serving the people of Arizona to answer your questions and help you make an informed decision that is right for your specific goals and breast characteristics.

When choosing your breast implants, we’ll help you choose the size of your ideal implant. This is an important decision, and not just for cosmetic reasons. An implant of reasonable size will go a long way toward making your breast augmentation experience as pleasant and comfortable as possible.

In making this decision before your breast augmentation, we consider a number of different factors, including:

  • Your frame: It’s important for both your health and cosmetic desires that your breast implants fit with your frame. If you’re a shorter, thinner woman, overly large implants can cause back and neck pain.
  • Anatomical structures: During your breast augmentation evaluation, we will make a careful examination of your breast features such as tissue depth, chest width and other measurements. It’s important that your implants are an appropriate size for the measurements of your breasts and chest.
  • Cosmetic considerations: By looking through before and after photos of some of our past patients and examining different sized implants you’ll gain valuable insight into what various implant sizes look like on certain body types.

Our surgeons are committed to performing a breast augmentation that will give you the look, shape and feel you want while prioritizing your safety.

If you’re a Phoenix, Arizona-area woman considering a breast augmentation, please contact Gawley Plastic Surgery today to arrange a consultation.