

miraDry is a non-surgical procedure that offers a permanent solution to excessive sweat and odor

miraDry is the first and only FDA cleared procedure to permanently reduce excessive sweat, also known as hyperhidrosis, using thermal energy to target and eliminate underarm sweat glands.
This in-office, non-surgical procedure is minimally invasive with little down time. Our team can help you determine if miraDry is a good solution for you!

Am I a Good Candidate for miraDry?

Excessive seating and odor can be a difficult issue to deal with in your day-today life. You may be a good candidate for miraDry if you fall into one of the following categories:

  • Excessive perspiration, even while at rest
  • Sweat that soaks through clothing
  • Planning your day around your sweating

Benefits of miraDry

miraDry is FDA-cleared and addresses the root cause of excessive sweat and its accompanying odor – not just the symptoms. The miraDry system that uses thermal energy to target and eliminates the sweat glands in your underarm. Once the glands are eliminated, they do not grow back, so it offers a permanent solution to excessive sweating. miraDry is performed in-office, by a licensed medical professional, in as little as one hour. 

Choosing Your Procedure

We recommend scheduling a complimentary phone consultation, where someone from our team will listen to your goals and concerns to determine if miraDry is the right fit for your goals and concerns.

Our board certified surgeon, Dr. Jennifer Geoghegan, is a miraDry trained professional and expert.

Recovery & Results From miraDry

Most patients can expert immediate and lasting results with miraDry. Once the miraDry treatment eliminates the sweat and odor glands, they’re gone for good. This procedure is clinically proven to reduce sweat by 82%, and 89% of patients were no longer bothered by odor (source).

Most patients describe the procedure as painless with minimal downtime. Local anesthesia is administered to the underarms prior to the treatment for optimal comfort. Most patients return to work and regular day-to-day activities immediately, and you can expect to resume exercise within a few days. After the first few days of treatment, patients may experience some swelling, numbness, bruising, and sensitivity in the underarm area.

It is recommended to ice the under arms and use non-prescription anti-inflammatory medicine right after the procedure and in the following days as needed.

See what our clients say

Patients can feel confident in choosing Gawley Plastic Surgery, as we
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miraDry FAQs

Patients see results after just one treatment of miraDry, but sometimes a series of two treatments are needed.

Yes, once the miraDry system targets and eliminates your sweat glands, they do not grow back.

You should plan for the procedure to last one hour.