How to Prepare for Breast Augmentation Surgery

How to Prepare for Breast Augmentation Surgery

What is a Breast Augmentation? Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that enhances the size and shape of a person’s breasts with implants. Breast implants are filled with either a sterile saline solution or silicone gel material. There are several different sizes and shapes to choose from depending on what your aesthetic goal is. Working […]

What Types of Breast Implants are Available?

Breast augmentation remains the most popular cosmetic surgery performed each year. If you are considering your options for improving your figure, it’s hard to beat breast augmentation for its confidence-boosting results. As you schedule your consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon, however, it is common to come prepared with questions. Informing yourself about the important […]

What is the best type of breast implant?

Elective cosmetic surgeries allow patients to gain a new feeling of self-confidence. One of the most common elective surgeries is breast augmentation. Before undergoing the procedure, it is important to explore the different breast implant options. Knowing the types available aids women in asking their surgeon questions about the various implants and then ultimately choosing […]

Combining A Breast Lift with Breast Implants

If you are unhappy with your breasts, you are not alone. Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the US each year. It’s natural for women to want to increase their confidence, or look and feel younger, including after a pregnancy or massive weight loss. Such life events bring several changes […]

What Happens When Breast Implants Fail?

While breast augmentation remains the most popular cosmetic procedure, there are patients who decide to remove their implants for a variety of reasons. The most common reason we see is that women are choosing to exchange them based on personal aesthetic preferences. Some are unhappy with the size of their breasts after a previous breast augmentation […]

What is “En-Bloc” Implant Removal and Total Capsulecotmy?

With the recent “recall” of textured breast implants and the increased awareness of breast implant illness (BII), there has been a surge of interest in the En-Bloc procedure. When removing a breast implant, there are two techniques that can be used: a total capsulectomy or an En-Bloc removal. Two types of breast implant removal A total […]

Getting Your Ideal Cleavage With Breast Augmentation

Every woman enjoys feeling confident in her body, and one way to achieve self-confidence is through breast augmentation surgery. When combined with a breast lift, it can restore youthful contours. While considering these breast procedures, women usually aim for better cleavage. The perfect amount of cleavage is subjective, though. While for some women, this may […]

What you need to know about Textured Breast Implants

Here’s why textured breast implants have been making headline news and the FDA’s recent request for textured implant recall. What you should know: Gawley Plastic Surgery is fortunate in that Dr. Mahabir is the Vice Chair of the ASPS Committee that reviews every case of BIA-ALCL in the world. The FDA asked Allergan to voluntarily recall […]

IDEAL IMPLANT vs. Traditional Implants

So, you’ve decided to get breast implants. This is a big step in getting to your ideal shape and contour, but now you have to decide which type of implant is best for you. You’ve probably heard about silicone and saline implants; these are the two types of breast implants which have been on the […]

What is En Bloc Breast Implant Removal?

Breast augmentation using implants is a very popular procedure done today. However, as with any procedure, breast augmentation comes with some possible risks and complications. When placing breast implants into the body, there is a risk for complications such as capsular contracture (hardening of the tissue capsule around the implant) or implant rupture. In these […]