What is Brachioplasty Surgery?

What is Brachioplasty Surgery?

Having loose or saggy skin on the upper arms is a condition that affects many people and often leads to embarrassment or general dissatisfaction with the way the arms look. As you age, the skin on your upper arms, and the rest of your body, begins to lose its elasticity and thus starts to sag or droop. Alternatively, you may have experienced significant weight loss, which can also lead to the same result. In either case, brachioplasty is an option that can help tighten the skin around your upper arms and restore it to a more youthful appearance.

Regardless of the underlying cause of the issue, the Board Certified Plastic Surgeons at Gawley Plastic Surgery can offer you a tailored solution to meet your needs. Dr. Bryan Gawley, Dr. Jennifer A. Geoghegan, and their expert team are here to help give your arms the look you’ve always desired. Read on to learn more about brachioplasty and see if it’s the right option for you.

What is Brachioplasty?

Also known as an arm lift, brachioplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to eliminate loose, saggy skin from your upper arms and improve their overall appearance. This cosmetic procedure involves removing skin from the upper arms to create a more toned and contoured appearance. After making incisions on the underside of your arms and removing the excess skin, your surgeon will then tighten the underlying tissue before stitching everything back up. In some cases, liposuction is also used to remove excess fat and help sculpt your arms. With our years of experience and state-of-the-art medical facilities at the North Scottsdale Outpatient Surgery Center, the team at Gawley Plastic Surgery has the skills and tools necessary to ensure your brachioplasty procedure is a success.


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How Brachioplasty Can Help You

The aging process takes a toll on everyone, and unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do to combat it. Even if you’re in great shape and exercise daily, your skin will eventually start to sag. Exercise is important in helping to tone, sculpt, and strengthen your upper arms, but it cannot do anything to fight against the loss of skin elasticity. For this reason, many people who suffer from a loss of confidence or embarrassment due to their sagging upper arms opt for an arm lift to help improve their appearance and boost their self-image. Still, it is important to note that this procedure isn’t right for everyone. Therefore, it is essential that you schedule a consultation with an experienced, reputable professional to determine whether you’re a good candidate.

Understanding the Risks Involved

As with any cosmetic surgical procedure, a brachioplasty does come with some minor risks. Scarring is one such risk. However, our team does our very best to ensure that the incision scars are placed in an area where they are the least visible. There is also a small chance that your arms may not look perfectly symmetrical following the procedure. Although we always do our very best, it is still important to understand that perfect symmetry usually isn’t possible. Temporary numbness in the arms can also occur, but this tends to fade over time. Finally, as with any other type of surgery, there is also a small risk of infection or bleeding during the healing process.

Schedule a Consultation with Experienced Brachioplasty Surgeons in Scottsdale, Arizona

If you feel this procedure might be right for you, don’t hesitate to contact the professional team at Gawley Plastic Surgery, or fill out our online form, to set up an initial consultation. During this consultation, our team will go over your medical history to determine if the procedure is suitable for you. We will also carefully discuss your reasons for wanting a brachioplasty and your expectations to ensure everyone is on the same page. Our aim is your satisfaction and our team will work with you every step of the way to help you achieve your goals.