Why Men’s Procedures are on the Rise

Why Men’s Procedures are on the Rise

Nowadays, more men than ever are opting for cosmetic procedures. But why now? Plastic surgery has been around for ages, and millions of women around the world benefit from it every year. This sudden increase for men seems to be due, in part, to the recent creation of quick and easy treatments that require little […]

Combat Aging with Silhouette InstaLift

Are you noticing the early signs of aging in your mid face and jawline?  Even if you’ve been diligent with regular skin care, it may just not seem to be enough now. At this point, many patients start to think that facial rejuvenation surgery may be the only answer. However, not everyone is quite ready […]

Benefits of Ultherapy® for a Sagging Neck

Anti-wrinkle creams, moisturizers and other skin care products can help restore the face’s youthful glow. And while the face is very important, your neck is equally important in maintaining an overall youthful appearance. If your neck is beginning to sag and reveal your age, now is the time to consider a rejuvenating and uplifting procedure. […]

Get Rid of Your Double Chin with Kybella

According to the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, about 68 percent of Americans have noticeable submental fullness, better known as a double chin. A double chin is made up of unwanted, subcutaneous fat that rests between the chin and top of the neck, creating an appearance of a second chin. Generally, double chins develop from […]