Fixing a Wide “Cleavage Gap”
Breast augmentation surgery is not always a matter of size. Many people who come to our Scottsdale office to get a breast augmentation are trying to change something about the appearance of their breasts that have bothered them for some time. One of the more frequent problems we encounter is the “cleavage gap”- a wide, […]
Breast Implant Placement Options
When undergoing breast augmentation, you will have a choice of two potential breast implant placement options. There are benefits and drawbacks associated with each location, and your decision will greatly impact the final results as well as your recovery time. At your initial consultation with one of our Phoenix plastic surgeons, he will discuss each […]
Smooth vs. Textured Implants
When choosing to undergo breast augmentation, you will find that there are many breast implant options to choose from. These options involve the type of implant (saline or silicone), implant shape (round or teardrop), and implant texture (smooth or textured). At your initial consultation with one of our Phoenix plastic surgeons, he will discuss these […]
How Long Do Breast Implants Last?
The question of breast implant longevity does not have a simple answer. Breast implant longevity seems to be highly variable, with some lasting only a few months and others lasting fifteen years or more. This makes it impossible for us to predict how long your implants will last. Fortunately, breast implants come with good warranties […]
Breast Augmentation and Exercise
If you are an avid tennis player, runner, swimmer, or weight lifter, you should definitely take this into account when considering breast augmentation. Women who enjoy these sports often develop lean physiques with small or nearly absent breasts and seek out breast augmentation to help them look or feel feminine. If this is you, there […]
Breast Implants and Breastfeeding
Many women, especially younger women, are concerned that breast implants may prevent them from breastfeeding. They are concerned that either breast implants will make them unable to produce enough milk for their babies, or may contaminate their breast milk. According to the FDA and the majority of scientific research, there is concern that breast implants […]
Breast Augmentation Incision Options
If you want to have breast augmentation to improve the size or shape of your breasts, you have many options to ensure that you get the best breast augmentation for you. One of these options is to select a breast augmentation incision that is right for you. Incisions that our surgeons uses for breast augmentation […]