Breast Augmentation and Pregnancy

Breast Augmentation and Pregnancy

After pregnancy and breastfeeding, you might find that your breasts sag more than they did before you had a child. Pregnancy can also cause lost volume and loose skin on your breasts. A breast enhancement procedure as part of a mommy makeover will give you larger, firmer breasts. A breast lift is necessary to address sagging.

This can be an important part of restoring your sense of confidence in your body after pregnancy.

If you’ve undergone a breast enhancement procedure before becoming pregnant, you might find that the sagging, decreased volume and loose skin that come with pregnancy have affected the results of your breast augmentation. In rare cases these effects are significant enough that our surgeons might recommend breast implant revision surgery.

While breast implants will not affect your ability to get pregnant, in certain cases a breast augmentation can affect a woman’s ability to breastfeed. There is no evidence that breastfeeding after a breast enhancement procedure is dangerous to you or your child.

If you’re considering a breast enhancement procedure and you also expect to have a child in the future, be sure to ask one of our surgeons about what you can expect. He’ll answer all of your breast augmentation questions and advise you on whether you should delay a breast enhancement until after pregnancy.

If you’re a Phoenix, Arizona woman considering breast enhancement, please contact Gawley Plastic Surgery today to arrange a consultation.