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When women come to our Phoenix, Arizona plastic surgery office to learn about our Mommy Makeover procedures, they usually have a lot of questions. Our surgeons wants to make sure all their cosmetic surgery patients are completely comfortable with their procedure.
To help answer some of the most common Mommy Makeover questions we hear at our office, we’ve provided answers for our potential Mommy Makeover patients:
The beautiful thing about Mommy Makeovers is that they combine a variety of other procedures to correct any number of aesthetic problems you may have with your body. Some of the most common problems women correct with a Mommy Makeover include:
Unlike other cosmetic surgery procedures, each Mommy Makeover is different. The length of your Mommy Makeover procedure and the length of your recover will depend on how many different procedures you are undergoing and how extensive they are. For instance, a woman having liposuction and a breast lift may recover more quickly than a woman undergoing breast augmentation and abdominoplasty.
If you are considering a Mommy Makeover and you live in the Phoenix, Arizona area, the best thing you can is contact Gawley Plastic Surgery to schedule an initial consultation.
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We make a serious commitment to helping you get the results you want and the care you need. We combine our cutting-edge technology and top-of-the-line procedures with expertise and genuine compassion to help you reach your aesthetic goals while giving you the most comfortable experience possible.
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