Search MD Plastic Surgery
It is a simple fact: male bodies are different than female bodies. Due to this, Phoenix liposuction surgeons, approaches the male anatomy in different ways than they would a female patient. Male liposuction is growing in popularity and for good reason: This procedure can remove up to ten pounds of fat from targeted areas of your body, helping you achieve a sculpted, masculine physique that may not be obtainable through diet and exercise alone.
Male Liposuction Options
Common areas for men to have liposuction performed include:
With liposuction, our board-certified plastic surgeons can address nearly any areas of your body that is holding onto excess fatty tissue. For men, this means a more toned and attractive appearance that often acts as a springboard for future body sculpting.
The results from your Phoenix liposuction procedure will be permanent, but muscle tone and mass can always be enhanced. By adopting a healthy lifestyle complete with a well-balanced diet and good amounts of exercise, liposuction can be the starting point for achieving the strong, healthy body you were born to have.
If you are a male considering liposuction in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Gilbert, Chandler, Glendale, or surrounding areas in Arizona, please contact Gawley Plastic Surgery to schedule an initial consultation today.
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We make a serious commitment to helping you get the results you want and the care you need. We combine our cutting-edge technology and top-of-the-line procedures with expertise and genuine compassion to help you reach your aesthetic goals while giving you the most comfortable experience possible.
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