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Generally speaking we recommend waiting about six months after you’ve finished breastfeeding before undergoing a mommy makeover. But you will discuss the details of your unique situation with one of our surgeons.
When discussing your mommy makeover options with you, our surgeons will always have your safety as his primary concern. With any cosmetic plastic surgery procedure, it’s important to only undergo treatment when the time is right and you can do so safely.
The first thing to keep in mind is that it’s probably best to put off your mommy makeover procedures until you know you are finished having children. The results of the procedures can be negatively affected by weight gain and stretched skin caused by pregnancy, and in certain cases a breast augmentation can interfere with breastfeeding.
If you know you don’t plan on having any more children and you’ve discussed your mommy makeover with one of our surgeons, the timeline will largely be determined by your body and your parenting choices.
Many of the effects pregnancy often has on your body can be addressed with time and exercise, and before undergoing a tummy tuck or liposuction you should be at or near your ideal bodyweight.
If you’re a Phoenix, Arizona woman considering cosmetic plastic surgery after pregnancy, please contact Gawley Plastic Surgery today to arrange a consultation.
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We make a serious commitment to helping you get the results you want and the care you need. We combine our cutting-edge technology and top-of-the-line procedures with expertise and genuine compassion to help you reach your aesthetic goals while giving you the most comfortable experience possible.
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